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MultipliCITY Bench
MultipliCITY Bench
MultipliCITY Bench

MultipliCITY Bench

MultipliCITY Bench
MultipliCITY Bench
MultipliCITY Bench
MultipliCITY Bench
MultipliCITY Bench
MultipliCITY Bench
MultipliCITY Collection
designed by
Yves Béhar.
About Yves Béhar
Yves Béhar is the founder of fuseproject, a San Francisco based design agency contributing to areas that include technology, furniture, sports, lifestyle and fashion. Béhar brings a humanistic approach to his work with the goal of creating projects that are deeply in-tune with the needs of a sustainable future, connected with human emotions and which enable self-expression. In Landscape Forms’s Multiplicity, Behar has designed a collection that truly pioneers the integration of mass production and custom materials and configurations. The result is a system that is internationally savvy, locally resonant, and perfectly suited for the global market.

The MultipliCITY backless bench shares the same form language as the backed bench and like it is solid and grounded, interactive and user-focused. The cast aluminum bench with wood seat is offered in straight and mitered versions that enable virtually limitless configurations. The backless bench is wider than the backed version, allowing people to sit back-to-back as well as forward to increase social activity in a space. The bench is a perfect companion to the MultipliCITY table under which it efficiently slides. As in the backed bench, long seat boards are supported on the underside by steel straps to ensure stability and enable flat shipping.

MultipliCITY Bench
Straight backed
24" x 95" x 33"
MultipliCITY Bench
End arms
24" x 95" x 33"
MultipliCITY Bench
End & ctr. arms
24" x 95" x 33"
MultipliCITY Bench
Str. left offset
24" x 107" x 33"
MultipliCITY Bench
Offset left tablet
24" x 107" x 33"
MultipliCITY Bench
Offset right tablet
24" x 107" x 33"
MultipliCITY Bench
Left mitre
24" x 95" x 33"
MultipliCITY Bench
24" x 95" x 33"
MultipliCITY Bench
Left parallel ends
24" x 95" x 33"
MultipliCITY Bench
Straight backless
23" x 95" x 18"
MultipliCITY Bench
Left mitre end
23" x 95" x 18"
MultipliCITY Bench
23" x 95" x 18"
MultipliCITY Bench
Left parallel ends
23" x 95" x 18"
MultipliCITY Bench

MultipliCITY Bench
Tablet arm