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Connect Rails
Connect Rails
Connect Rails

Connect Rails

Connect Rails
Connect Rails
Connect Rails
Connect Rails
Connect Rails
Metro40 Collection
designed by BMW Group Designworks.
About BMW Designworks
BMW Group Designworks provides design strategy, research, design development, sustainability consulting, brand communications, 3D modeling, and color, materials, and finish to many of the world’s great brands. The creative partner to BMW Group, it also serves clients across diverse industries through studios in Los Angeles, Munich, and Singapore. The company designs a wide range of products from jets to computers and has an unparalleled understanding of consumers and the world of design that surrounds them. Hi-Glo lighting from the Metro40 collection for Landscape Forms has earned IDEA, ID Magazine Design Review, Green GOOD DESIGN and FX International Interior Design awards. In 2010, Fast Company magazine ranked Designworks as the world’s “#1 Most Innovative Company in Design,” and among the “Most Innovative Companies in 2010.

When Landscape Forms set out to develop the first comprehensive and integrated collection of site elements for the streetscape and transit core, it partnered with a world-leading expert. BMW Group Designworks brought to the challenge a deep understanding of the role of public transit in the life of the city, and unsurpassed mastery in form making and innovative use of materials. The Metro40 Collection, from benches and bollards to bus shelters and LED lighting, is a pioneering line of urban streetscape and transit elements with sophistication and global appeal for a world on the move.

Used with Connect shelter or alone where space is at a premium, sitting and leaning rails provide a ‘waiting room’ amenity with minimal footprint.

Connect Rails
Sitting rail
7" x 45" x 18"
Connect Rails
Leaning rail
6" x 45" x 30"